Beach Cities Folk Music Club

founded 2004

Do you wish you could sing
around a camp­fire with Pete Seeger?


Do you secret­ly sing
Woody Guthrie, Stan Rogers or Bill Stains
songs in the car?

Did you dream you saw Joe Hill last night? Then you’re in luck!

On the third Tues­day of each month, from 7–10pm

Singers, ban­jo play­ers, fid­dlers, gui­tar play­ers and more gath­er ’round a big red rug in the Wayland’s liv­ing room to sing, pluck, strum, play and share sto­ries and jokes.

May the cir­cle be unbro­ken! Join us in our Sing-along/Hoot/­Jam!

~ Bring a friend ~

~ Bring a song ~

~ Bring an instrument ~

Where? The Way­land home:

1642 Voorhees Avenue, Man­hat­tan Beach, CA 90266

1 1/2 blocks west of Avi­a­tion, 4 blocks north of Artesia.

Please bring yum­my snacks or drinks to share…or not!

Since we meet on a work night, we ask that you skeedad­dle by 10 pm sharp.

Come sing a song and play along!

To Booking Agents and Performers:

Please note that we are a group of friends who come togeth­er to make music. We do not put on con­certs as a result of agent or per­former solic­i­ta­tions. If you’d like to join us in music and song on the third Tues­day of the month, please con­tact us. But if you are con­tact­ing us in the hopes that we will put on a con­cert, we’re not your tar­get audience.

For more information:

april­spen­cil [at]G Mail [dot] com (founder April Hal­prin Wayland)

(please put Beach Cities Folk Club in the sub­ject line)

snail mail:

Beach Cities Folk Music Club
1097 Avi­a­tion Boule­vard
Her­mosa Beach, CA 90254

FAX: (310) 379‑4523

Happy 21st Birthday, 2025 BCFC!

Beach Cities Folk Club Birthday!
Hap­py Birth­day to us!

~ We meet the third Tuesday of each month, 7–10 pm ~

many thanks to Janet Corn­well for our themes

~ the fol­low­ing song themes are only sug­ges­tions to get your musi­cal juices flowing ~

Jan­u­ary 21, 2025

NOTE: Dear Folk Fam­i­ly ~ I have no idea if peo­ple will or will not attend because of the fires…If just a few peo­ple respond, we will post­pone our birth­day cel­e­bra­tion until next month. Please let me know if you will or will not attend: april­spen­cil [at]G Mail [dot] com. 

Mean­while, take care of your beau­ti­ful selves.

Storms, Famous Peo­ple, Hope

Feb­ru­ary 18, 2025

Clouds & Mist, Roy­al­ty & Nobil­i­ty, Hope; BONUS theme: Mar­di Gras

March 18 2025

Rocks & Stones, Broth­ers & Sis­ters, Hope

April 15, 2025

Rain, Friends, Hope

May 20, 2025

Flow­ers, Beau­ties, Hope

June 17, 2025

Hills & Moun­tains & Cliffs, Hus­bands & Wives, Hope

July 15, 2025

Bod­ies of Water, Unique & Strange Folk, Hope

August 19, 2025

Fire, Out­laws, Hope

Sep­tem­ber 16, 2025

Sand & Dirt & Soil, Teach­ers & Men­tors, Hope

Octo­ber 21, 2025

Trees, In-Laws,  Hope

Novem­ber 18, 2025

Seeds & Nuts (of any kind), Politi­cians, Hope

Decem­ber 16, 2025

Snow & Ice, Emi­grants & Immi­grants, Hope

Folk Links—in no par­tic­u­lar order:

  • The San­ta Mon­i­ca Tra­di­tion­al Folk Music Club – our club is the baby sis­ter of the SMTFMC, which was born in 1978 and meets the first Sat­ur­day of each month (in San­ta Mon­i­ca, of course); both were found­ed by the same person
  • Folk­Works – Check out this FABULOUS, FREE newspaper’s site for Folk Music and Dance events in the greater Los Ange­les area…Folk Works is “build­ing cul­tur­al bridges through music and dance”
  • Folk Alliance – The North Amer­i­can Folk Music and Dance Alliance–”one strong voice”
  • The Topan­ga Ban­jo & Fid­dle Con­test & Folk Festival
  • Cal­i­for­nia Tra­di­tion­al Music Society
  • Sing Out! Magazine
  • Sing Out­’s song books ~ espe­cial­ly Rise Up Singing and Rise Again ~ are well worth purchasing.
  • Song­mak­ers–They spon­sor week­ly hoots in pri­vate homes, week­end get-aways and spe­cial events. Check out their links to oth­er folk clubs.
  • The Liv­ing Tra­di­tion–they spon­sor con­tra dances, folk music con­certs and folk music jams. They have a great newslet­ter, too.
  • The San Fran­cis­co Folk Music Club our club was inspired by the SFFMC
  • FolkScene is a pro­gram of tra­di­tion­al and con­tem­po­rary music fea­tur­ing live music, inter­views, and recordings
  • Dick Hold­stock and wife, Car­ol, long-time friends of our club, per­form won­der­ful songs of the sea and more with Allan Macleod
  • Ross Alt­man, folksinger/songfighter…songwriter extra­or­di­naire is the Pres­i­dent Emer­i­tus of the San­ta Mon­i­ca Tra­di­tion­al Folk Music Club…click on his name for YouTube’s col­lec­tion of his songs.
  •–a site designed to pro­mote qual­i­ty acoustic music by pro­vid­ing news, com­men­tary, advance notice and cov­er­age of awards and con­tests, con­fer­ences of note and music fes­ti­vals, U.S. nation­al and North­east region­al news, a pho­to gallery, region­al live music cal­en­dars, etc.

Please let us know if any of these links are bro­ken!
Email April:
april­spen­cil [at]G Mail [dot] com